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作者: 阅读次数: 日期:2024-02-29

2023年6月毕业于山东农业大学植物病理学专业,获农学博士学位。2023年9月进入雷竞技raybet官方平台雷竞技raybet官方平台工作。主要从事植物病毒与病毒病害的相关研究。近年来以第一或共同作者身份在《Molecular Plant Pathology》、《Plant Disease》、《PLOS ONE》等学术期刊上发表论文多篇。


[1]Shang K. J#., Xiao L#.,Zhang X. P#, Zang L. Y., Zhao D., Wang C. C., Wang X. P., Zhou T., Zhu C. X*., Zhu X. P*. Tomato chlorosis virus p22 interacts with NbBAG5 to inhibit autophagy and regulate virus infection.Molecular Plant Pathology,2023, 24(5): 425-435.

[2]Zhang X. P#., Xia J. W*., Liu J. K., Zhao D., Kong L. G., Zhu X. P*.First Report of Fusarium pernambucanum Causing Fruit Rot of Muskmelon in China.Plant Disease,2022, 106(7): 1997.

[3]Zhang X. P#., Dang Q. Q., Cao X. D., Liu Y. G., Bi Z. B., Zhu X. P*., Xia J. W*. First Report of Muskmelon Fruit Rot Caused by Fusarium nanum in China.Plant Disease,2023, 107(1): 226.

[4]Zhang X. P#., Cao X. D., Dang Q. Q., Liu Y. G., Zhu X. P*., Xia J. W*. First Report of Fruit Rot Caused by Fusarium luffae in Muskmelon in China.Plant Disease,2022, 106(6): 1763.

[5] Zhang X. P#., Sun X. H#., Liu Y. G., Qiao N., Wang X. Y., Zhao D., Shang K. J., Zhu X. P*. Potential risk of plant viruses entering disease cycle in surface water in protected vegetable growing areas of Eastern China. PLOS ONE, 2023, 18(1): e0280303.
